Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 68-73.DOI: 10.16097/j.cnki.1009-6744.2022.06.007

Special Issue: 2022年英文专栏

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Empirical Analysis on Operational Profitability of Urban Rail Network in China

PENG Kai1, LI Xia-miao*2   

  1. 1. Changsha Rail Transit Operation Co. Ltd, Changsha 410027, China; 2. School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
  • Received:2022-08-04 Revised:2022-10-21 Accepted:2022-11-01 Online:2022-12-25 Published:2022-12-22
  • Supported by:
    Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China



  1. 1. 长沙市轨道交通运营有限公司,长沙 410027;2. 中南大学,交通运输工程学院,长沙 410075
  • 作者简介:彭恺(1971- ),男,湖南长沙人,工程师。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This paper discusses the practical problems of financial sustainable development of urban rail transit network. An operation profit-loss balance model of network based on the calculation of ticket net income and operating cost is established to quantitatively analyze the impacts of fare rate, passenger flow intensity and fare discount factors on operational profitability. The research combined with empirical data shows that there are obvious differences in ticket price rates among the cities in China. The preliminary expansion of urban rail network brings operational benefit of passenger intensity, but this cannot continue when the network scale extends to over 300 km in suburbs, which leads to worse profitability and greater pressure of local governmental subsidy. Due to the characteristics in public welfare for urban residential commuter trips, and the differences of per-capita disposable income of urban residents and local governmental financial capability in various cities, it is necessary to study in detail the relationships among the ticket fare rate, the network scale and the urban rail system modes in the cities with different economic levels to improve the profitability of the urban rail network and finally promote the sustainable development of urban rail transit industry.

Key words: urban traffic, urban rail transit, network scale, operational profitability, fare rating, passenger flow intensity

摘要: 为从财务可持续性角度探讨城市轨道交通网络盈亏平衡问题,本文建立了以票款净收入和运营成本为基础的网络运营盈亏平衡模型,定量分析票价率、客运强度、票价优惠策略等要素对运营企业盈利能力的影响。实证研究表明:我国不同城市票价率水平差异较大,多数城市体验了初期线网扩张带来的网络化运营红利;但随着网络进一步扩大到市区边缘或郊区,多数城市网络总规模超过300 km后,全网平均客流强度呈下降态势,企业盈利能力有所下降,政府补贴压力增加。由于城市轨道交通在解决通勤出行中的公益性定位,以及不同城市居民人均可支配收入水平和城市政府财政收入的差异,应进一步研究不同城市经济发展水平下票价水平、线网规模及技术制式、不同线路功能定位的关系,以提高轨道交通网络运营盈利能力,促进我国城市轨道交通行业的可持续发展。

关键词: 城市交通, 城市轨道交通, 线网规模, 盈利能力, 票价率, 客流强度

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