Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 187-194.DOI: 10.16097/j.cnki.1009-6744.2021.06.021

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Time-dependent Green Vehicle Routing Problem

ZHU Lan* , MA Xiao, LIU Zhuo-fan   

  1. School of Modern Post, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710061, China
  • Received:2021-07-20 Revised:2021-09-20 Accepted:2021-09-22 Online:2021-12-25 Published:2021-12-23
  • Supported by:
    Special Scientific Research Project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education (20JK0356);National Natural Science Foundation of China(52002319)



  1. 西安邮电大学,现代邮政学院,西安 710061
  • 作者简介:珠兰(1990- ),女,内蒙古赤峰人,讲师,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This paper studies the vehicle routing problem in urban distribution systems considering traffic congestion and environmental pollution. The time dependence of the problem lies in the following aspects: different vehicle speeds under the road congestion lead to different transportation time at different departure times, thus resulting in great differences in transportation costs and environmental pollution. Therefore, this paper proposes a time-dependent green vehicle routing model to reduce transportation costs and environmental pollution by the optimization of vehicle routes and departure time. The model minimizes the total transportation cost including the fuel consumption cost, and the fuel consumption is measured based on the Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model. The innovation of the model lies in the defining of the situation that vehicles are allowed to wait at the nodes to choose the right time to avoid congestion, that is, by optimizing the vehicle routes and the departure time at each node on the path to find the cost optimal transportation scheme. In this paper, a nested genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the model. The outer genetic algorithm optimizes the path, and the inner genetic algorithm optimizes the vehicle departure time at each node of the path. The key parameters of the algorithm are debugged by response surface analysis method, and the best parameters for the model are obtained. The performance test results show that the algorithm is efficient. Finally, numerical experiments are carried out based on PRPLIB database. The experimental results show that the fuel consumption and total cost can be reduced to a certain extent by allowing the vehicle to wait at the customer's place and choose the right time to start off. In addition, the introduction of fuel consumption elements in the objective function can greatly reduce the fuel consumption of the decision-making scheme and reduce environmental pollution.

Key words: logistics engineering, green vehicle routing model, genetic algorithm, urban distribution, time dependence

摘要: 城市配送系统中考虑交通拥堵和环境污染车辆路径问题的时间依赖性体现在:不同道路 拥堵程度下车辆运行速度不同,则不同出发时间对应的运输总时间也不同,导致运输成本和造成 的环境污染也有较大差异。因此,本文提出一个时间依赖型绿色车辆路径模型,通过优化运输路 径和出发时间降低运输成本、减少环境污染。模型的目标函数最小化包括油耗成本在内的运输 总成本,其中,车辆油耗的度量基于综合模式排放模型,其创新之处在于,定义了允许车辆在节点 处等待的情形,使车辆选择合适的时间出发以规避拥堵,即通过优化车辆路径以及路径上各节点 处的出发时间寻求成本最优的运输方案。本文提出嵌套遗传算法求解模型,外层遗传算法优化 路径,内层遗传算法优化路径上各节点处的车辆出发时间。并通过响应面分析法(RSM)调试算法 关键参数,得到适用于模型的最佳参数搭配,算法性能测试结果表明了本文算法的高效性。本文 基于污染-路径问题实验数据库进行数值实验,结果证明,允许车辆在客户处等待并选择合适时 间出发,可以在一定程度上降低燃油消耗和总成本。此外,目标函数中引入油耗要素,可以有效 降低决策方案的燃油消耗,减少环境污染。

关键词: 物流工程, 绿色车辆路径模型, 遗传算法, 城市配送系统, 时间依赖

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