Integrated Metro Train Timetabling and Rolling Stock
Rescheduling Under Multi-disturbances
PENGQiyuan, JIANG Shan, LIU Siyuan, SHI Jungang, LI Denghui, ZHANG Yongxiang
2024, 24(6):
DOI: 10.16097/j.cnki.1009-6744.2024.06.010
To effectively deal with the impact of multi-disturbances (i.e., short-time section blockage, section speed
limitation, and extended station dwell times) on metro operations, an integer linear programming model for integrated
train timetabling and rolling stock rescheduling is built, with five rescheduling strategies (i.e., holding, cancellation,
short-turning, skip-stop, and rolling stock deadheading to/from the depot) employed to minimize the weighted-sum of
train delays, passenger revenue loss, number of operated backup rolling stocks, and rolling stock deadheading distance.
The constraints of train operation, rolling stock circulation, and turn around are considered. Then, the model is solved
by an iterated local search algorithm. The proposed model and algorithm are tested on a set of instances that are
constructed based on the real-life dataset of a metro line. The results show that: (1) For different cases of multi
disturbances, the proposed method can generate integrated rescheduling solutions within a short time, where the
average computational time is 15.55 s; (2) The proposed strategies of cancellation and short-turning can control the
number of delayed trains and prevent delays from spreading, where the strategy of rolling stock deadheading to/from
the depot can reduce secondary delays resulted from restricted capacity at turnaround stations; (3) Compared with
fixing rolling stock circulation plan and ignoring the cost of rolling stock rescheduling, the proposed rescheduling
method can respectively reduce the total train delays by 74.9% and 7.3%, where the number of operated backup rolling
stocks and rolling stock deadheading distance are respectively reduced by 23.1% and 20.1% after considering the cost
of rolling stock rescheduling.