Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 79-88.DOI: 10.16097/j.cnki.1009-6744.2022.04.009

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Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Crossing Behavior at Uncontrolled Mid-block Crosswalk

CHEN Peng*1 , TANG Peng2 , YAN Wei-xi1 , SUN Qiu-yue1   

  1. 1. School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China; 2. CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430056, China
  • Received:2022-04-10 Revised:2022-06-02 Accepted:2022-06-06 Online:2022-08-25 Published:2022-08-22
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(51208400)。



  1. 1. 武汉理工大学,交通与物流工程学院,武汉 430063;2. 中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司,武汉 430056
  • 作者简介:陈鹏(1980- ),男,湖北潜江人,副教授,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To describe the pedestrian crossing decision-making and micro motion behavior at uncontrolled mid-block crosswalk, this paper proposes a two-layer pedestrian crossing model from the tactical and operational perspectives. At the tactical level, considering the step-by-step decision-making characteristics of pedestrians, the study uses the binary logistic regression model to develop the pedestrian crossing decision-making model for pedestrians on the roadside and in the middle of the road. At the operational level, considering the limitations of the traditional social force model in describing pedestrian crossing, the study introduces the pedestrian active avoidance force and the force of crosswalk on pedestrians to develop the pedestrian crossing micro motion model. The pedestrian crossing double-layer model is simulated by the AnyLogic platform, and the effectiveness of the model is analyzed with the actual data and simulation results. The results show that compared with the roadside decision-making model, pedestrian gender, the number of vehicles within the parking sight distance and the distance between pedestrians and potential conflict points have a more significant impact on the decision-making of pedestrians in the middle of the road. The improved social force model of pedestrian active avoidance force and pedestrian crossing force on pedestrians can better reflect pedestrian behavior characteristics at uncontrolled mid-block crosswalk. The effective pedestrian crossing behavior simulation model for uncontrolled mid-block crossing can provide a support for subsequent pedestrian crossing safety improvement studies and polices.

Key words: urban traffic, pedestrian crossing simulation model, improved social force model, pedestrians crossing, pedestrian behavior hierarchy

摘要: 为精细化描述无信控路段人行横道处行人过街决策及微观运动行为,本文在行人过街行为分析的基础上,基于战术层-操作层构建行人过街双层模型。其中,在战术层面,针对行人分步决策特性,利用二元Logistic回归模型构建路侧和路中行人过街决策模型;在操作层面,针对传统社会力模型在描述行人过街时表现出的局限性,引入行人主动避让力和人行横道对行人的作用力,构建行人过街微观运动模型。最后,通过AnyLogic仿真平台实现行人过街双层模型仿真,并根据实际数据和仿真结果分析模型有效性。结果表明:相较于路侧决策模型,行人性别、停车视距内的车辆数和行人距潜在冲突点的距离这3个因素对行人路中决策结果影响更显著,引入行人主动避让力和人行横道对行人作用力的改进社会力模型,能更好地反映无信控路段行人过街时的行为特征。无信控路段人行横道处行人过街行为仿真模型的有效建立,能为后续行人过街安全改善方案提供决策支持。

关键词: 城市交通, 行人过街仿真模型, 改进社会力模型, 过街行人, 行人行为层次

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