Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 137-148.DOI: 10.16097/j.cnki.1009-6744.2022.04.016

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Driving Style Recognition and Quantification for Heavy-duty Truck Drivers

QIN Wen-wen1, 2 , YAN Qi-yang1 , GU Jin-jing3 , LI Wu4 , JI Xiao-feng* 1, 2   

  1. 1. Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650504, China; 2. Yunnan Modern Logistics Engineering Research Center, Kunming 650504, China; 3. College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 4. Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2022-02-06 Revised:2022-03-29 Accepted:2022-04-14 Online:2022-08-25 Published:2022-08-23
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (52002161, 52062024);Yunnan Fundamental Research Project (202101AU070166)。


覃文文1, 2,鄢祺阳1,谷金晶3,李武4,戢晓峰* 1, 2   

  1. 1. 昆明理工大学,交通工程学院,昆明 650504;2. 云南省现代物流工程研究中心,昆明 650504; 3. 同济大学,电子与信息工程学院,上海 201804;4. 大连理工大学,建设工程学部,辽宁 大连 116024
  • 作者简介:覃文文(1986- ),男,广西柳州人,讲师,博士。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Aggressive driving styles of heavy-duty truck drivers may lead to serious traffic accidents with mass casualties, since aggressive styles have strong habitual characteristics and potential behavior risks, which are difficult to correct. However, most of the studies focus on driving style recognition of passenger cars rather than those of heavyduty trucks. In this paper, based on low- frequency trajectory data of heavy- duty trucks in Yunnan Province obtained from a national road freight platform, a framework of driving style analysis for heavy-duty truck drivers consideringfatigue driving and speeding driving characteristics is developed from the perspectives of style clustering, recognition, and evaluation. First, considering the driving behavior patterns conveyed by trajectory data, fatigue driving and speeding driving features were constructed to characterize the driving styles of heavy-duty truck drivers. Then, factor analysis for feature reduction was employed, and K-means clustering was used to classify the driving styles of heavyduty truck drivers. In addition, driving style recognition models based on support vector machine were constructed and compared with the recognition results of gradient boosting decision trees. Finally, based on the cumulative distributions of fatigue and speeding features, a quantitative assessment model for driving styles of heavy-duty truck drivers using the CRITIC (Criteria Importance Though Intercriteria Correlation) assignment method was proposed. The results show that the extracted fatigue factor and speeding factor can contain 80.838% information from the mentioned above two types of features when dimension reduction has been conducted. After that, according to the two types of features, the driving style can be divided into four categories: robust, speeding, fatigue, and dangerous. The proportion of the corresponding heavy-load truck drivers is 62.60%, 25.02%, 7.40% and 4.98%, respectively. Besides, the accuracy of the support vector machine-based driving style recognition model for heavy goods vehicle drivers is greater than 97% for all different styles, and the overall performance is better than the gradient boosting decision tree. Moreover, the proposed assessment model with the CRITIC assignment method can effectively quantify risk score for the driving style of each heavy- duty truck driver, in which the robust drivers performed the best in terms of more than 75% of drivers having a total style risk score higher than 60, whereas the risky drivers performed the worst with more than 75% of them scoring less than 20. This study could provide a theoretical basis and technical support for risky behavior monitoring, intervention, and management.

Key words: traffic engineering, driving style recognition, support vector machine, heavy-duty truck, trajectory data

摘要: 重载货车驾驶人的激进驾驶风格具有强烈的习惯性特征和风险性特征,一旦养成很难矫正,且极易诱发交通事故。针对现有研究极少关注重载货车驾驶人驾驶风格的不足,本文基于某全国货运监管平台提供的云南省重载货车低频轨迹数据,从风格聚类、风格识别和风格评估这3个方面,提出综合考虑疲劳驾驶特征和超速驾驶特征的重载货车驾驶人驾驶风格分析方法。首先,基于轨迹数据蕴含驾驶人驾驶行为模式的特点,构建表征重载货车驾驶人驾驶风格的疲劳驾驶和超速驾驶特征集;其次,利用因子分析进行特征约简,并采用K-均值聚类方法划分重载货车驾驶人的驾驶风格;然后,构建基于支持向量机的驾驶风格识别模型,并与梯度提升决策树的识 别结果进行对比;最后,基于疲劳驾驶特征和超速驾驶特征的累积分布,建立基于 CRITIC (Criteria Importance Though Intercriteria Correlation)赋权法的重载货车驾驶人驾驶风格量化评估 模型。研究结果表明:经过特征约简,提取的疲劳因子和超速因子能综合反映上述两类特征集 80.838%的信息;根据疲劳因子和超速因子可将驾驶风格划分为4种类别,即稳健型、超速型、疲劳型和危险型,相应重载货车驾驶人比例依次为62.60%、25.02%、7.40%和4.98%;基于支持向量机的重载货车驾驶人驾驶风格识别模型对不同风格的识别准确率均大于97%,整体表现优于梯度提升决策树;基于CRITIC赋权法的驾驶风格评估模型能有效量化重载货车驾驶人的驾驶风格, 其中稳健型驾驶人表现最好,75%以上的驾驶人风格评估总分高于60分;危险型驾驶人表现最差,75%以上的驾驶人风格评估总分低于20分。研究结果可为重载货车驾驶人不良驾驶行为的监测、干预和管理提供理论依据和技术支撑。

关键词: 交通工程, 驾驶风格识别, 支持向量机, 重载货车, 轨迹数据

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